Sunday, 26 February 2012

Cache/Hidden and new synopsis

To make our trailer slightly more scary/mysterious we took inspiration from the french move Cache - when a married couple is terrorized by a series of surveillance videotapes left on their front porch. We are going to add this to our concept by our character receiving DVDS of her doing daily things, for example filming outside her house coming in and out, filming from her garden looking into her house and even her sleeping.

This effected our synopsis:

A young Liv (Ella Mitchell) walks home from college yet she doesnt know someone mysterious is following her home. Oblivious to anyone around her, she approaches her road onto her front porch and opens the door. The next day she receives an anonymous DVD posted to her saying "Play me" so she does. She is overcome with confusion when she realizes the film is a long shot of outside her house. After finding out its none of her friends playing tricks on her, she receives more DVDs this time getting more and more intamate. She starts to panic and becomes tormented by the DVD's and searches whatever she can to try and find out who is obsessed with her. Will she find out before its too late....?

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